Week 11 Reflection

3 Apr

Week 11 Reflection

I have never had the experience of being a new student at a school.  Coming into a school; other than the normal transitions in kindergarten, sixth grade, and ninth grade; is a completely foreign concept to me.  I also have not had any new students enter into my class this school year.  If I had a new student I would try to make them feel very welcome and accepted in their new environment.  An effective way to do this is by assigning students, a few that are particularly kind and helpful, to buddy the new student the first week and teach him how things work at our school.  I also would like for the new student to complete a writing assignment explaining a bit about his old school, what he liked/disliked, what he learned, and any other things he wants to share.  This will give me a better understanding of the student so I can provide the best differentiated instruction possible and also make him feel the most comfortable and welcome.

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